Home > Agriculture, Resource, Cost Expert #25986

Agriculture, Resource, Cost Expert #25986

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of economics with specific knowledge in the areas of water resource policy and management, environmental economics and public and private pension systems. I have published on such topics as water resource management and policy, agricultural economics and cost benefit analysis. I am an associate professor of economics where I have held an academic appointment since 1989. My teaching and research interests include public economics, agricultural and resource economics, cost-benefit analysis and public policy. I am a professional agrologist, and have five years’ prior professional experience in government and the private sector. I served as co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics and I am a recipient of the Soil and Water Conservation Society’s Berg Fellowship in Conservation Policy. I served as one of two theme leaders in the research program on Economics, Policy and Risk funded by the Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research. Internationally, I am a project team member of the Central American Water Resource Management Network. I have served as resource person for the Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia. I was an International Visiting Scholar in the Department of Economics at the National University of Mongolia. I was project supervisor for the university’s Community Health Development Project in the Surkhet District of mid-western Nepal. I have been a visiting researcher in Australia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, India, Mexico, Mongolia, Nepal, Norway, Thailand and the United States.

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