Home > Blow Mold, Mold Press Expert #45116

Arkansas Blow Mold, Mold Press Expert #45116

I have 20 years of experience, and specialize in the field of industrial and agricultural safety with specific knowledge in the areas of mechanical engineering, guarding and machine design. I have published on such topics as hazard evaluation and atomization. I have testified 70 times on topics such as industrial safety, machine guarding and machine design. Since 2002, I have been an assistant professor. Previously, worked as a full-time consulting engineer assisting professionals in both industry and the legal community. I have worked in industry as a manufacturing and plant engineer and have been responsible for the safety of an industrial plant with over 300 employees. Provides consulting to industries, individuals, and attorneys in a wide range of safety and machine design issues. Examples include agricultural and industrial machine guarding cases, and agricultural and industrial safety systems.

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